To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to. - Kahlil Gibran


I know it impossible for us to "have tea and chat " ( actually I prefer Mountain Dew ) so I made this page so we can visit a while ....thank you for coming and reading it....I will try to write often at least once a month to keep you caught up on the latest news to find out more you're welcome to see my one line journal which is more like random thots as they happen ...Great "chatting" with you and remember to email me back so I wont be doing all the" talking"..I miss you !!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

♥ windy here

Anybody here in a race to get outdoor, etc., things done before the winter  weather?

not yet...great morning  got lots done ♥ windy here - enough to blow you away... …yesterday my sisters surgery went well ..shes  needed it done for a while ….  oil change is done YEAH!!!!!  car washed and discovered baby wipes takes care of doggie kisses on car windows  [leaves streaks ].... while waiting on the oil change had time to think -adding to my to do list ...sort out  tapes and clothes ...books in spare closet and much more took CM to get some stuff done -pups loved it ♥ we waited in the car ! sure love my fur babies ...    CM was literally blown away when we visited MM to leave her a lamp and hangers! ..then took her home …shopped a bit then went home to  sort out  tapes into dollar store fabric drawers and  some clothes [goodwill] ¾ garbage bag and one tall kitchen trash bag of garbage including  the shoes that bottomed out on me at the store ...I cant believe it took so long –when I was younger it was a hour project… quess more needed sit down breaks and then ADD rabbit trails , SOON hope to get it all done…now the wind is making lovely soft music with my windchimes…

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Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years.
~ Richard Bach